什么?你还没听过 WineCon聚恒?是时候涨涨姿势了!
Q1:什么是 WineCon聚恒?
Q1:What is WineCon?
A1:WineCon聚恒 是一个分享葡萄酒文化、有趣故事以及新奇酷产品的平台和社区! 我们也有自己的线下大型国际酒展及品鉴活动
A1:WineCon is a community that sharing and popularizing wine culture, interesting wine stories and creative stuffs! We also have our own large international wine exhibition and wine tasting events.
Q2:为何选择 WineCon聚恒?
Q2:Why choose WineCon?
A2:Winecon聚恒 为您提供一站式、全方位参展服务
A2:WineCon provide you the one-stop and all-sided exhibition service.
Q3:WineCon聚恒 的酒展环境能令我满意么?
Q3:Does the environment of WineCon expo satisfy me?
A3:The WineCon expo is specifically for wineries, vineyards and professional importers, bringing you a better exhibition environment.
Q4:What else?
A4:We also collaborate with professional medias and insiders to provide various parties and business activities.